7YEARSBADLUCK - Sleep Now, Pay Later (2011)

Finally! Here is the first song from the upcoming 7yearsbadluck record "SLEEP NOW, PAY LATER" which is to be released in February 2011. It's been released on the Stillthinking Compilation too:

Go here:

"It is called THE FEVER and it has some awesome guest vocals from our friend Mike Seewalken. The songs were recorded with the one and only NICKL GRUBER at STRESS STUDIOS GRAZ in the faraway summer of 2009 by some younger, thinner and more lively indivuduals to some known as giorgio, andi and tombo. As always, spread the word!"

Stillthinking 5 out now!

Wie immer als freier Download und in limitierter Art und Weise auch als USB-Card-Compilation.
Mit neuen Songs von ASTPAI, Sex Jams, Igel vs. Shark, Antillectual, Argetti, Brackets Closed, The Gogets, uvm. Insgesamt erwarten dich 29 handverlesene Tracks. Alle Infos im Neustadtpunk-Forum und auf www.still-thinking.at

Watch Familie Ruppert

Die Familie Ruppert bastelt derzeit an einer neuen Platte und lieferten einen saftigen Vorgeschmack bei ihren Gigs während der Neustadtpunk Zelebrationstour 2010 in Wien und Graz. Lux (Igel vs. Shark, former Rentokill) joined the familiy for these gigs.


Thanks to everyone who joined our celebration-tour!